Ever since Caitlin turned 2 she has seemed so much older to me. More talkative, more accountable, more emotional. She has always been and continues to turn into her own little person. She is such a character and we love her so much. My life would not be complete without her, and I mean that in every way possible. She brings out the best and probably the worst in me and teaches me patience every day. She is a combination of so many of her parent's best and worst traits and she shows them all to the fullest. Her love for life is amazing and inspiring and non-stop.
This girl...
-She keeps me on my toes 24/7
-She makes me laugh really hard.
-She has more energy than anyone and probably even herself knows what to do with
-She is very into people's emotions. She always wants people to be happy. We have found that telling her that we are sad or mad is harder for her than anything sort of physical punishment. She is very aware of how other people are feeling.
-She loves being physical: rough housing or playing or snuggling or giving people loves.
-She loves interaction and hates being alone.
-She loves to laugh. She thinks lots of things are funny.
-She loves to sing songs and read books.
-She loves to learn, she picks up on things quickly and she is very curious and inquisitive. I don't think I have ever heard her respond "i don't know" to a question, if she doesn't know she just makes something up. She loves for us to ask her questions for her to answer.
-She is a daddy's girl through and through. But she does have some sweet moments with me that I treasure. And she also LOVES her little brother.
-She loves water and also anything with a pump top (like soaps). Too many messes have been created in our house because of these two.
-She is inherently a very messy girl. She likes to get in there and get her hands dirty and push the limits.
-She loves Jesus and the scriptures and saying her prayers and although she is not very reverent she can be tender.
-She is still wary of new people sometimes but I wouldn't really describe her as super shy.
-She doesn't respond well to discipline so I'm constantly researching and finding the best methods.
-She is very smart and I think sometimes too smart for her own good.
-She has the cutest little body that she likes to show off all the time by being naked.
-She has more energy than the energizer bunny.
-She is a girly-girl. She LOVES dressing up, putting on makeup, putting on lipstick and nail polish.
-She has the ultimate sweet tooth and would prefer to be snacking on sweets and only sweets all day everyday.
-She is wonderful and I love her.